Tuesday, November 27, 2012

HW 7: Survey/Interview Questions

Responses of How Single-Parenthood Affects Filipino Children

Name:____________________              Date: ________________
Gender:___________________           Age: _________________
Signature: _________________

Direction: Answer the questions below legibly and honestly.

1.  Are you living with: (Check the blank that corresponds your answer)
_______   A. Mother only
_______   B. Father only
_______   C. Both mother and father
_______   D. Guardian only
_______   E. Others (Specify:______________)

2. Is being in a single parent family different from two parent family? How do you say so?

3.  If you were in a single-parent family, do you experience some challenges with regard to your psychological and emotional needs? If yes, what are those?

 4.  If you were in a single-parent family, do you experience some challenges with regard to your academic achievements and school life? If yes, what are those?

5.  If you were in a single-parent family, do you experience some challenges with regard to your social needs? If yes, what are those?

6.  How do you cope with those different challenges you are experiencing living in a single parent family?

7. Other than experiencing those challenges being on a single parent family, what do you think the advantages being on the situation?

8. What is your idea about single parenting? Is this good or bad for the parent? How about the children?

9. What do you think are the things that a single parent can do to overcome this problems that may affect the children involved?


Portia P. Fajardo

Sunday, November 25, 2012

HW 6: Cover Letter of Survey

November 25, 2012

Dear Respondent/s:

I am a student under the supervision of Mr. Dustin Celestino in the English Resource Center at Asia Pacific College. I am conducting a research study entitled Effects of Single Parenthood Among Filipino Children. The purpose of this study is to provide information on the effects of single-parenthood on Filipino children.

Your participation will involve answering of nine questions with a combination of single choice question and essay type questions and should only take about fifteen to twenty minutes you time. Your involvement in the study is voluntary, and you may choose not to participate or to stop at any time. The results of the research study may be published, but your name will not be used. Your identity will not be associated with your responses in any published format.

The findings from this project will provide valuable information about the effects of single parenthood on children with no cost to you other than the time it takes for the survey.

If you have any questions about this research project, please feel free to call me at (0909)335-3550 or send an e-mail to fajardo_portia@yahoo.com.ph.

By returning this questionnaire in the envelope provided, you will be agreeing to participate in the above described project.

Thanks for your consideration!


Portia P. Fajardo
BS Accountancy Student, Asia Pacific College

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HW 5 : Chapter 2

Chapter 2

What are the effects of single-parenthood on Filipino children?

Overview of Single-parenthood

Over the past 20 years single-parent families have become even more common than the so-called "nuclear family" consisting of a mother, father and children. Today we see all sorts of single parent families: headed by mothers, headed by fathers, headed by a grandparent raising their grandchildren.

Life in a single parent household - though common - can be quite stressful for the adult and the children. Members may unrealistically expect that the family can function like a two-parent family, and may feel that something is wrong when it can not. The single parent may feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of juggling caring for the children, maintaining a job and keeping up with the bills and household chores. And typically, the family's finances and resources are drastically reduced following the parents' breakup. (http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/single-parent.aspx)

A. Abroad

The demographics of single parenting show a general increase worldwide in children living in single parent homes. Single parenting has become an accepted norm in the United States and is an accepted trend found in multiple other countries. Debates concerning not only the single parents themselves, but also the children involved, support for the families in single parent households, and more have arisen. Although divorce is one of the main events that leads to single parenting, it may be that the majority of cases in the United States are from pregnancy outside of wedlock. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_parent)

In the United States, the number of children in single-mother families has risen dramatically over the past four decades, causing considerable concern among policymakers and the public. Researchers have identified the rise in single-parent families (especially mother-child families) as a major factor driving the long-term increase in child poverty in the United States. The effects of growing up in single-parent households have been shown to go beyond economics, increasing the risk of children dropping out of school, disconnecting from the labor force, and becoming teen parents. Although many children growing up in single-parent families succeed, others will face significant challenges in making the transition to adulthood. Children in lower-income, single-parent families face the most significant barriers to success in school and the work force. (http://www.prb.org/Publications/PolicyBriefs/singlemotherfamilies.aspx)

B. Philippines

Filipinos are said to be conservative people since then, but in today's generation Filipino people tend to be liberated. And because of that, a lot of things are going on today that was never heard before. Just like being a single parent households which are scattered all over the world. So we cannot say that it is because of a specific culture or a certain economic status. Rich or poor,there are a lot of single parents out there.

Sad but true, if the same United States statistics more or less represents the same picture of the modern-day Filipino family, it only means that the role of the Filipino father, held as the pillar of the Filipino home, is now also singlehandedly carried by the mother. The Filipino single mom is now both the pillar and the light.

Thus Filipino single mothers, having become the Pillar and the Light of the Filipino Home by force of circumstance, and because of her characteristic Filipino\ resilience in the face of challenges such as single parenthood, she has evolved into a new symbol -- the lamp post. Both a pillar and light to her children, her family.

Challenges of Single Parents in the Philippines


Not all of the people in this world is given a chance to be financially stable. Especially when the single parent in the family is the mother itself because in terms of income the father is the most capable in gaining it more.

Financial stability is one of the vital factors in parenting deny it or not. It is very significant because it encompasses day care needs, schooling, food, housing, medical/dental assistance and even the gifts and rewards you will give on your child- money really matters.

According to a single parent interviewed by the researcher, being a teenage single mother gives difficulty in providing the child's day care needs at first for the teenage mom is always asking for the help of the parents. Immediate looking of a work is a must to support the daily needs of the child.

Moreover, another single mother was interviewed, but the cause of being a on the situation is separation from the spouse. The single mom had the work; however, the single mom is worried about the finances if the child is unexpectedly ill, sending the child in a competitive school and the house the parent and the child are living in.


Emotions are powerful. Different people define emotions in different ways.  It can affect your physical and psychological bodies. Emotions can control your thinking, behavior, and actions. Some people that sometimes ignore their emotions are setting up themselves into physical illness. Negative emotions like sadness and frustration can cause chemical reactions that are very different in chemical reactions released by positive emotions like happy and accepted.

For most people, becoming a single parent was not even their choice. Therefore, it is hard for them to cope with their sudden emotions that they are going through as they go along being a single parent.

The initial reaction of being a teenage single mother is shocked because of the consequences of being irresponsible of their actions. Thinking of how to raise and rear their child, they will eventually feel the sadness of their situation and the anger to the father of their child who left them. At the same time, teenage moms are glad because of the child they have now. They believe that their child is a blessing from God and should not be affected by their being irresponsible.

Moreover, emotional difficulties are also experienced by single mothers from separation. Anger to their husband because of neglecting their family. For them, it is very painful that tends them to be always too emotional by crying because they don't even expect and choose being a single mom and raising the child on their own. If children ask where their fathers are, that is the most challenging part for they do not want their children to be on the situation and also be painful for them.


Discrimination in traditions, policies, ideas, practices, and laws exist in many countries and institutions in every part of the world. It is also present now in relationships between non-traditional families like single parents. Single parents especially the mothers are commonly discriminated by there inability of rearing the child and carry the consequences because they are women.

Male single parents are not really considered to be part of a model of single parenthood. Even male single parents do not compose of majority, they do not feel that they are being discriminated unlike there female counterparts. Sometimes, they are seen as heroes because they were lone in rearing the child.

Moreover, single mothers are also discriminated in the workforce. For instance, a woman who undergo a job interview. The interviewer knew that the woman is a single mother and the child the mother is raising lacks a father figure. These might result to some misconceptions that single mothers cannot do excellently on their work. In addition, these misconceptions might lead to less promotions and less work in the work force.

In our generation today, sexism does not really matter because today what men do can also be done by women like being a conductor and a driver in a bus, a welder, etc. Same goes with the female single mothers. They can surely do this for the sake of their child. At first, they might feel the struggles of being alone in raising their child, but as time passes by they can surely do it. Those discriminatory statements will not help them to overcome this situation, but can worsen it. The society should respect their rights as a human being.

Challenges of Single Parents' Children in the Philippines


Since children are still young, parents should be able to provide enough psychological attention to them for they are fragile; they can be easily hurt. For instance, There is this situation that the parent and the children are not of the same sex, which tend them not to overcome psychological effects of single parenthood easily. If the father is present and the child is a girl, the father cannot attend to the needs of the daughter especially if the daughter is in the stage of being a teenager because the father do not know enough about what a girl experiences during that period. Pieces of advices may be given to the daughter but it is more appropriate and comfortable if the one who gives advices is the mother. This also goes to the situation that the mother is present and the child is a boy. This is more difficult to deal with because girls are naturally more understanding than boys. The mother might be having a hard time talking to the child because the absence of a father to a boy is quite a big deal for them unless they are trying to accept things like those from the very beginning.

In addition, other psychological struggles children might experiencing in a single parent family are loneliness, the feeling of being different, and child-rearing differences. Loneliness occurs because children lack a father within the family and they can see the sadness and stigmas their parents are also experiencing. Meanwhile, children might have the feeling of being different. If all of a child's friends live in two-parent households, the child may feel left out and different from his friends. He may feel he misses something in everyday life that he may not exactly understand. Even if the child's friends live in single-parent homes, their experiences will feel somewhat different because of which parent takes care of his friends and each parent's different parenting style. And lastly, child rearing differences on children could give a possibility that they will experience psychological dilemmas. Both parents can have disagreements about rearing the children. They may constantly battle over power and compete for the position of better parent. Counterproductively, in-laws and friends may get involved, trying to help, but ultimately causing distress for the parents and children.


The word sociable is commonly attributed to a person who is willing to talk and engage in activities with other people. And being sociable is the most appropriate attribute that is being described  among children. Children are very playful, have lots of friends, and their behavior are mostly naughty. However, not all children are sociable enough because they are kind of timid. And behind this timidity on socializing with their friends always have the reason.

Socially, children in single parent families are greatly affected because they will always have this misconception of being discriminated by their comrade for they are different among their group. On the first days of adapting and overcoming the situation in a single parent family, they have the thinking that other people will not accept the differences between them. Because of this, timidity among the children of single parents will be existing on oneself. They will be shy in socializing with other people and they will have this long process in trusting others until they are sure enough that they will not be discriminated.


Many of us believe that education is the key to success. It is also considered as the great equalizer here in the earth because it does not matter if a person is rich or poor as long as one is educated everybody is equal. Hence, it is the only legacy every parent can give to their children.

Lack of financial capability of the single parent affects the child's educational attainment because of they are incapable of providing a good foundation on their education by sending them to a competitive school.
Aside from financial difficulties of the single parent, another factor that affects the academic achievements of the children is the lack of attention of the parent to the child. As a parent, they should be able to give enough attention and encouragement on their child's studies. Unlike the traditional two-parent families, single parent families sometimes fail in giving the right attention needed by the child for they are performing the responsibilities of both the mother and the father within the family. To provide good education for their children, single parents tend to work hard which leads them to be caught in a dilemma in having difficulty in balancing their time between the work and the child.

On the other hand, some of the children of a single parent are not having any difficulty in coping the situation of being on a lone parent family for they believe that this situation should serve as their motivation in pursuing more their dreams wherein being an educated person is the only for these dreams to be attained.

Effects on the Parents and Children


Financial difficulties among single mother parents is undeniably tough. These challenges from monetary aspects have a great effects to both the mother and the child. Overcoming these challenges tend a single mother to do jobs more than one. Because of doing these jobs, a single mother might be consuming a lot of hours outside the house which may result to the child's lack of attention and care from the mother. Moreover, consuming a lot hours in work means that the single parent consumes a lot of energy in doing it. Therefore, the lone mother might forget taking care oneself. Forgetting in caring oneself may lead the single mother to be ill. These things might make the situation get worst if the the lone mother forget to rear the child well for the single mother is busy earning money to support the daily needs of the family.


Because of many psychological challenges children are experiencing, these can have great effect on their growth. Loneliness of children may lead to them to the feeling of being always alone, lack of attention, and guidance which affect their view about their parents. And as if there is no person who will care for them at all. Furthermore, because of the child rearing differences for they are reared and raised in a single parent family, these might result to lack of trust by children to people they are socializing with. Since the family is only composed of one parent, many friends and relatives may be involved in raising the child which sometimes even caused more stigmas to both the parent and the child.


Filipinos, especially women are very emotional. Therefore, single parents are not emotionally ready of what happened to their family. For them, it is mixed emotions. Anger, happiness, sadness, disappointed, and confused are some of the emotions they have during their first days in struggling of being a single parent. As a result of being mad to the their spouse, children tend to be annoyed and confused on the situation. Instead of being mad because of the situation they land to, might as well give the best attention the children need.

Other than that, for instance, single mothers will look for some ways just to relieve their loneliness. They are more focused on dating and looking for someone who can help overcome their loneliness. With the eagerness in finding that someone, they might forgot that things should not be rushed. If they rushed things and marry a wrong guy again for the sake of just being with someone, that would only make them more miserable. After all, single parents are not the only one who are suffering on the situation, but also the children who are vulnerable and fragile with these kind of stigmas they should not have been experiencing.

In addition, these emotional issues made the single parents to be more strong not only for themselves, but also for their children who are only depending on them. A single parent will not rely to other people for their emotional well-being. They will also learn to deal with the problems that they had never dealt before. Moreover, they would also be more understanding to people and may also help them in overcoming emotional difficulties they might also experiencing. Therefore, single mothers should focus more on the good things happening to their life instead of focusing on the bad things.


Discrimination among single parents is really existing in the norm. These discriminatory statements to single parents made them more resilient. For them, the fact that they are single parents was not even their choice so, they just ignore these judgmental words they hear. However, they cannot deny the fact that at first they are pissed and tend to be more emotional because of these discriminatory statements. On the contrary, they are just thinking that if they will not ignore those statements, it will just make the situation worst that will surely affect their children. In short, they are doing this for the sake of the feelings of the children.

Meanwhile, alienation among children is the effect of the feeling of being different, discriminated, and alone. Their timidity in approaching a person to talk because of these misconceptions they have in mind, children in single parent families will just prefer to alienated on the group than to be hurt by the discrimination of their friends and remember their situation over and over again.

Friday, November 9, 2012

HW 4: Background of the Survey

This research paper focuses about the effects of single-parenthood on Filipino children which is a growing concern issue not only here in the Philippines, but also in other parts of the world like America. Proving this matter greatly helped me this blog because citing my resources will not be that difficult, and so I can provide enough information regarding my study.

Based on articles I have read these past two months, changes in family values are now arising here in our current generation. Different views of what family is like single parenthood is now presently existing.

So far, what I have gathered just proved that single parenthood does not merely affects the parent, but also the children. There are many stigmas a parent might be undergoing through this situation like financial and social problems and how they will surpass those challenges arising within their family. I have also gathered that children may have psychological, academic, and social effects on children. However, these data and information are based on the studies conducted abroad.

Because I only know about what is happening abroad about single parenthood, I have only limited knowledge with regard to my topic. Therefore, I should conduct surveys and interviews about single parenthood here in the Philippines. Hopefully, I could do survey responses from group of random people of different perspective about this matter. If I would be given a chance to have a survey with children who are on the situation, that would be a privilege for me because I could get more information for my study. Apart from that, I will also do some interviews to single moms, so I can also provide enough information about what are the experiences being on the situation they have now and how they will be able to cope it. With the help of these surveys and interviews I will be conducting, I could reflect more on what really a lone parenting is here in the Philippines that can probably make this paper a successful one.

To be able for me to determine the answer about this matter, some of the questions I need to ask are: to whom they are currently living with, what might be there experiences living in a single parent family if they are, and if not what are their idea of what single parenting is and its possible effects on both parent and the child. I will also interview some single parents of what are the things they are experiencing being on the situation and how they are able to surpassed it.

Personally, I have relatives and friends who are in the situation of being a single parent and I could see their perseverance of raising their family. Before, I don't understand what really single parenting is, but going through a two month researching about this matter, this gave a different perspective about what lone parenting is. Hopefully, my peers would also be able to feel the same way I felt when I undergo researches about this.

Monday, November 5, 2012

HW 2 : Social Problems of Children

Filipinos are said to be conservative people since then, but in today's generation Filipino people tend to be liberated. And because of that, a lot of things are going on today that was never heard before. Just like being a single parent households which are scattered all over the world. So we can’t say that it is because of a specific culture or a certain economic status. Rich or poor,there are a lot of single parents are out there. But as I have mentioned in all my blog posts since I started, single parent households have effects on children. Aside from psychological effects a lone family is bringing to child's growth, another issue is social problems.

The word sociable is commonly attributed to a person who is willing to talk an engage in activities with other people. And being sociable is I think the most appropriate attribute that is being described  among children. They are very playful, have lots of friends, and their behavior are mostly naughty. However, not all children are sociable enough because they are kind of timid. And behind this timidity on socializing with their friends always have the reason. Well, I think one of the reasons is the stigma they're experiencing being in a single parent household.

Moreover, because of early pregnancy among teenagers nowadays, many children are usually fatherless that may lead them to have enough self-esteem and antisocial behavior. Why? Maybe because they are seeking an attention that their mother cannot give just like a father. Another thing is, maybe they felt being neglected on their family. Because of these reasons, they tend to harm themselves like smoking, being addicted to drugs, deliquency, violence, sexual activity, and worse suicidal attempts.

As I had continued surfing and looking for articles to prove my opinions about this matter, I came across this article entitled Absent fathers are fueling drug addiction, antisocial behavior and crime among young people which talks about the greater risk of children on the family who are fatherless.

This article states that a children growing up in fatherless families tends to lack self-esteem and might do criminal activity. It also shows statistics that, Fatherless young people are 80.3% more likely to be involved in anti-social behaviour, 76.4% more likely to take part in crime, and 69.1% more likely to use take drugs.

Apart from that, it also says there that "Young people are struggling to find a sense of purpose within their families, schools, and community , and believe that peers provide them with what they need." They are thinking that only their comrades will help and understand their situations. Because of this misconception, they do not even think that their friends are good influence or not. Some of them might continue to engage antisocial behaviors that they may use as a form of protection against the problems children are experiencing.

Although youngsters might learn with their experiences in life of being a part of a single parent household that they are aspiring of becoming a better parents someday to their children, their dream may not come true because they often lacked the essential parenting skills needed.

Here in the Philippines, I could see that these problems on children are arising in the society. And  we cannot deny the fact that these are not impossible. Families here in our country are also becoming on the modern aspect and view of a family which is unavoidable.

Single parents experience social issues because they might be thinking that they are different among other families and they are not accepted in the norm. However, the stigma of having only one parent existing in the family greatly affects the children's social life and behavior.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

HW 1 : Psychological Effects on Children

Single parent families are struggling from different problems both the parent and the children which may not exist in two parent families. There is this situation that the parent and the children are not of the same sex, which tend them not to overcome pyschological effects of single parenthood easily. For example, if the father is present and the child is a girl, the father cannot attend to the needs of the daughter especially if she is in the stage of being a teenager because the father do not know enough about what a girl experiences during that period. Pieces of advices may be given to the daughter but it is more appropriate and comfortable if the one who gives advices is the mother. This also goes to the situation that the mother is present and the child is a boy. This is more difficult to deal with because girls are naturally more understanding than boys. The mother might be having a hard time talking to her child because the absence of a father to a boy is quite a big deal for them unless they are trying to accept things like those from the very beginning.

This just simply shows that sometimes it is better and easier if the responsibilities and obligations are shared between both parents.

Thinking about this matter made me curious, so I looked for some psychological effects of single parenthood. Along searching on the Internet, I came across with this article entitled Psychological Effects of a Single-Parent Family which gave an answer to my curiosity.

Below are the psychological effects a child might be experiencing in a single parent family stated in the article.

1. Loneliness.

Loneliness and isolation occur because of the loss of the partnership between the mother and father within the family. When a person experiences separation or divorce, it tends to cause that person to feel alone and unhappy. Sharing joys and sorrows with someone else on a regular basis does not occur, and the support within the partnership regarding parenting does not exist. This loneliness and isolation that the parent experiences can affect the children, no matter their age, because they will witness the sadness of the parent.

2. Role Models

While girls may have better role models with single moms and boys with single dads, both will see a different view of the world than if they had both parents living together. For example, a girl only will see her mother operating as a single person, not as part of a synergistic couple. She may see her mother date, but that does not take the place of the child seeing her mother interact with a life-partner. Boys who live with their fathers face the same psychological problem of discovering how to behave with the opposite sex.

3. Feeling Different

If all of a child's friends live in two-parent households, the child may feel left out and different from his friends. He may feel he misses something in everyday life that he may not exactly understand. Even if the child's friends live in single-parent homes, their experiences will feel somewhat different because of which parent takes care of his friends and each parent's different parenting style.

4. Child-Rearing Differences

Both parents can have disagreements about rearing the children. They may constantly battle over power and compete for the position of better parent. Counterproductively, in-laws and friends may get involved, trying to help, but ultimately causing distress for the parents and children. This psychological and negative component of single parenting may cause the child to have psychological issues later, involving trust.

These are the common psychological effects on children, but this kind of issues can be prevented by a single parent.

There is an article that I read entitled Psychological Effects of Having a Single-Parent about how a single parent can protect their children form these kind of psychological risk factors.

1. Talk and listen to children. Explain any changes that are taking place within your family.

2. Shield kids from parental conflict. Don't ask them to take sides. Try to find a way to work with your ex-spouse.

3. Pay attention to your own feelings.You may be burdened with guilt and self-loathing because your marriage or relationship failed. These attitudes can be contagious. If necessary, see a counselor to work through issues.

4. Accentuate the positive. Children in a single-parent home often take on more responsibility, which can teach them independence. Be sure to recognize their contributions and be generous with praise.

A single parent might be having a hard time in coping and doing efforts on how they can make their children accept things on these kind of issues arising to your family, but children are much more affected by these problems because as a child, they are curious and may questions are coming up to their minds. So a single parent might as well do some strategies on how to cope about problems about psycological on children.