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On the other hand, according to an article, Single Parenting by Munira Lekovic Ezzeldine, numerous examples of single parenting exist in Islamic tradition who successfully raised their children, and these children shines brightly because they are raised by single parents. It also states there that they trust Allah and they are trying their very best just to be the best parents they could be for their children. They also need support in order for them to strive more in raising resilient Muslim children for the future. This just not goes with Muslim people. This also exists with all of the single parents in the world. They need the Divine Guidance so they could be the best parents to their children despite of struggles they are facing to. Well, there is no parent who wants their children not to be raised resilient, loving and disciplined for the future.
The article also states that a child or children raised by single parents improve in homes where there is stability, safety, love, and consisitency. Keeping these characteristics committed within a single parent, he/she will create an environment for the child to truly flourish.
Munira Lekovic Ezzeldine also says there that, raising secure and successful children requires single parents to confidently implement the following parenting skills:
1. Discipline
- Single parents must be careful to not allow children to dismiss rules set by the parent or to become their “friends.” Setting boundaries for children creates much needed structure in all households (single and dual) because children want to know that their parent has rules and has set limits and expectations.
2. Consistency
- Establishing routines, schedules and traditions are important for children when adjusting to a new family dynamic. A child wants to know what to expect and look forward to on a daily basis. Consistency in everyday routines gives the child(ren) a feeling of security and stability.
3. Emotional Support
- Single parents and their children may struggle with various feelings and emotions surrounding their new family structure. The parent and child may struggle with changes and upheavals in their life, and may share with one another the challenges of the new family structure. Parents need to listen and truly hear their child(ren) when they share their thoughts and feelings.
4. It Takes a Village
- Single parents will need help and support with the endless tasks and responsibilities of raising the child(ren) . This requires being comfortable asking for help from family and friends. Seeking support with childcare, such as carpooling, help in case of emergencies, or schedule conflicts at work, will benefit single parents when they are stretched in multiple directions.
5. Take Care of Yourself
- Single parents work hard to care and provide for their children; many times, they neglect themselves or may feel guilty taking time away from their children. However, it is necessary for parents to take care of themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. Giving without replenishing will limit a parent’s ability to be their best. Scheduling time for hobbies and enjoyable activities like reading, watching a movie, having coffee with a friend, etc. are ways parents can find personal fulfillment.
Therefore, this just means that for a single parent to become the best parent for their children, he/she should practice a sense of parental skill in order for them not to feel burden of becoming the only one in the family. Moreover, to raise a child better, he/she should always sets boundaries between them so that respect will always be present in child-parent relationship. And also, don't forget to take good care of yourself because you can never be a good parent to your child/children if you, yourself cannot be a good parent within yourself.
Post #4: 10/10
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